I’m taking on a challenge. I’m learning 21 people’s names in 21 days. Actually, I'm learning more than their just their names. These are not random people off the street, these are people in my world but I've never met them. I had a desire to know these people even before I photographed them and learned their names. After I photographed each person, I interviewed them about leadership, their view on people and their one word to the world. I chose to focus on leadership because these 21 people have led me in one way or another. Now, I know their names.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

12 Big William

      Will leads a 6 week recreational therapy trail walk for teens called Anasazi in Arizona. I can relate, I work at a behavioral treatment center for teen girls. Will is the epitome of down to earth, he even slices a mango the right (and most effective) way. The man is a giant in stature and soul.
      "Generally I see people as individuals. I see them with their own life, their own goals and desires. I've met a lot of people in my life, everyone has their own story. Some people might hate the world and some might love it. It all boils down to their own personal belief system. What people think of themselves reflects what they see outside of themselves."
      "A good leader sets an example and invites others to fill in on whatever needs to be done. The first thing I do with a group of people is observe.  Then I'll step forward and tell them what's going on, what's going to happen on the trail. I'll look at what needs to be done and set an example and see who picks up on it, whoever doesn't I'll then talk to them and try to help them understand."

Will's word to the world


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