I’m taking on a challenge. I’m learning 21 people’s names in 21 days. Actually, I'm learning more than their just their names. These are not random people off the street, these are people in my world but I've never met them. I had a desire to know these people even before I photographed them and learned their names. After I photographed each person, I interviewed them about leadership, their view on people and their one word to the world. I chose to focus on leadership because these 21 people have led me in one way or another. Now, I know their names.

Monday, April 9, 2012

20 and 21 Paying Dues

      Yes, I'm doing a self portrait for #20. But the catch is that this photograph was taken by none other than my #21, Dr. Hotchkiss - the man who started it all in the first place. I photographed Dr. Hotchkiss first, then handed him the camera and he took my picture. He has a talent and love for photography.
      It has been an honor to go through this experience. I've learned that people are blessings in life. That no matter who you meet on this earth, they can be a blessing and you can see miracles together. (It may sound cheesy but it's true.) I've learned that everyone has the capacity to lead. That all people, throughout everyday in their lives can be the kind of leader that Hugh Nibley talks about, the hero's of old. I've seen people's true character and I hope that you can see it through the photographs I've presented in these 21 days.

       Dr. Hotchkiss says, "I look at people in a positive view. I trust them. If you trust people you don't know, you get better results."
      "My motto for leadership is: Build, enable, and open the door. I want to do that for others in order to enable them to do what they couldn't before. As a leader, it's important to be clear in communication. I have high expectations for my followers, that way you can inspire them to achieve more than they thought they could."

(Relax, it's rootbeer....)

Dr. Hotchkiss' one word to the world



My word to the world



19 Family Ties

     These are the kids that walk the halls I used to walk, climb the trees I used to climb, eat in the kitchen where my mom used to cook, and live where I used to live. I grew up in this house, and now these are the kids that live there, the Rust boys.

Their word to the world


18 The New Kids on the Block

       Cute, right? This is the 2nd counselor in my Bishopric and his wife, Brother and Sister Richards. They're brand new to the ward. And what better way to throw them in than to have them teach the dating/relationship class. And obviously they do a great job. They have both had an influence on me, they're both spiritual giants and they both have quite the character.

     Sister Richards says, "There's a lot of different people, I've studied them before. I've studied their surroundings and why they are the way they are. A good leader needs to be versatile, they need to be able to communicate with the people you lead. You need to be able to adapt to those around you."

     Brother Richards says, "I think all people are unique. I think it's fun to watch different people and how they hold themselves. A good leader is caring and leads by example, they do what they preach."

The Richards' word to the world



Friday, April 6, 2012

17 "Why Me?"

    The Dean asked me this when I was photographing him. I answered, "because I'm always aspiring to get on your list." He responded with enthusiasm, "Well, let's get ya on there!" I wanted to photograph Dean Jones because of the respect I have him. I've gained more respect for him because of his willingness to help me with this project, he's a busy man (he's also a Stake President.) I've learned about his true blue leadership example through his immediate actions.

(Interview coming soon.)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

16 Is for Christine

     This is my future teacher, Christine. She's a super woman. Soccer coach, Art Education Professor at BYU, Mother, Wife, and a heart that could wrap around the world....twice.

     Christine says, "I love people, I think I just came here loving people, right from the start. I love my students, I want the best for them. I want them to succeed and I want to help them (I want to help the Elementary Ed students not be afraid of art) I just love my student, I have the best job in the whole world."
      "A leader listens, is introspective as well as reflective and full of ideas. A leader is willing to try things, willing to be wrong and has a positive attitude. You need to love your students, they'll work harder when you do, it sets a groundwork for creativity, success and fun."

Christine's word to the world


Monday, April 2, 2012

15 ABC's

       Garrett's last name comes right after mine in class. When we get our papers handed back, I always see his name and the funny quotations he puts on his paper like, "I've ridden in a hot air balloon before." One day, Garrett was recognized for his talent in swimming by my professor, so finally I matched the name with the face. I have to admit, Garrett was probably the hardest to convince that photographing him would be painless. Thankfully, in the end he did it for me. And yes, he is reading our text for the class, I thought it'd be appropriate.

      Garret says, "I like people. Yeah, I think everyone's different, everyone has their strengths. Everyone wants to feel appreciated."
      "A leader should be someone that helps others excel, someone that helps others come up to where they are, like Christ."

Garrett's word to the world


Saturday, March 31, 2012

14 Serendipity

    I see Tracy's name everywhere. We're in the same major but I had no idea which face belonged to the name. A couple days ago I wanted to photograph another photographer, and as I was signing up for studio time with no one to photograph. Tracy stood right next to me and signed her name on the studio sign up sheet. BOOM! There was my next subject! And I finally found the face to match the name! I introduced myself and my 21 names project and she agreed to do it. She said she's no leader but I think her interview proves otherwise...

     "People. I like them, I like different personalities. I feel like you can always figure out how to get along with someone."
      "A good leader needs to be outgoing and a go-getter. I try and direct people during a photoshoot so I can get the desired results."

Tracy's word to the world


13 Ripples, Impressions and Reflections

     Madeline has made an impression on me. She's one of those people that sends off a "good person" vibe - I just feel good around her. Madeline and I are in the Art Education program together. I've listened to her share her thoughts and views. Let just say, I think she's brilliant. She makes me think, and there's a sincerity to everything she says. My prediction: She'll continue to make those influential impressions on her future students.

(Interview to come soon...)

12 Big William

      Will leads a 6 week recreational therapy trail walk for teens called Anasazi in Arizona. I can relate, I work at a behavioral treatment center for teen girls. Will is the epitome of down to earth, he even slices a mango the right (and most effective) way. The man is a giant in stature and soul.
      "Generally I see people as individuals. I see them with their own life, their own goals and desires. I've met a lot of people in my life, everyone has their own story. Some people might hate the world and some might love it. It all boils down to their own personal belief system. What people think of themselves reflects what they see outside of themselves."
      "A good leader sets an example and invites others to fill in on whatever needs to be done. The first thing I do with a group of people is observe.  Then I'll step forward and tell them what's going on, what's going to happen on the trail. I'll look at what needs to be done and set an example and see who picks up on it, whoever doesn't I'll then talk to them and try to help them understand."

Will's word to the world


Friday, March 30, 2012

11 Knights At The Art Tables

Her students know her as "Shep." I had the opportunity to observe Shep's skills of teaching high school art classes today. Rather than doing my normal interview questions, I did something different today - I asked Shep's students what makes a good teacher. Most of them answered loudly, which was on purpose so Shep could hear...to tell you the truth, I think their answers were all about her. This is what they had to say:
Be funny, not too serious
Be sarcastic
Give rewards for hard work
Be understanding, have mercy
Be Friendly and comfortable
Have no favorites
Willing to cooperate and teach at students pace
Be a wise mouth
Be strict and make a reputation

Shep's advice to me

Be Consistant

Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 My Baby

     This is a very special day indeed. I'm slightly bending the rules. I already know this person's name very well, but I have NEVER met her. This....is Baby Faye. My brother's first child.
     As I entered the room she looked up, and wowzas the kid has beautiful eyes. I'm an auntie to 22 nieces and nephews and everytime I get to hold one for the first time I'm amazed at the love I feel for them. Faye just bounced into my arms and grabbed at her juice and let me hold her and kiss on her. Everyone should be gushing and saying "awwwwe" right now...

Faye's Birthday: April 7, 2011

9 Raise Your Hand

     Bright as they come, not only in smarts but in spirit as well. Rachael has inspired me more than once in the early morning by sharing comments that have depth and heart. The more I have gotten to know her the more I appreciate how faithful she really is to living what she says she believes.

     Rachael sees people as being good. “I believe in people and have faith in humanity and always try and see the positive in life. My mom has been the biggest influence for me, she’s shown me how to love people. I used to pray a lot asking Heavenly Father to help me see people as He saw them. I went through a rough spot and then changed and then knew how much god really loved all us.”

     “A good leader is full of love and service. You need to serve the people you lead and care in whatever capacity you lead in. My motto is: love and serve, teach and guide, learn and grow. Care for those you lead, give direction, and always grow to improve.”


Rachael's word to the world:


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 The Newly Wed

     I have a climbing buddy named Tysin who has been recently married to Suzanne. I'd like to state simply (and with a bit of cheese) that she's beautiful inside and out. As I have come to know Suzanne I have realized the goodness of her character, she genuinely cares about people in general. 

7 Land Locked Surfer

     This is my friend, Rob. I didn't know him until a couple days ago. Up until I met him it was Not. A. Good. Day. I say Rob is my friend because when I first met him that's exactly what he did to me: he befriended me and, to say the least he darn well made my day turn around. A perfect stranger shared some well needed aloha spirit.

Rob's word to the world
(You guessed it)



     Some testimonies just strike a chord in your soul. As Zach bore his testimony two things happened: 1 - I felt the spirit testify to me that what Zach was saying was TRUE. And 2 - I found my next model for my project. After the meeting ended I approached him and told him both, he laughed. I would too if someone asked me, "have you ever modeled before?" Zach continued the light heartedness and laughter throughout the photoshoot and oh! how it helped me!

     Zach says, "I like people, I like people because they all come from different backgrounds and I can learn different perspectives. There's always something to learn. My mission really taught me that. I mean, even drunk people on the street, everyone has something to offer."
     "A leader is someone that leads by example, that doesn't talk or look down upon those that follow. A leader motivates through example, too. I try to have fun and not take life and myself too seriously. I take responsibility for my actions and do the right thing no matter what."

Zach's word to the world



5 Sass

     "I hope you're having a fabulous day, and that me not answering didn't make it sad..." That's Lizzy's answering machine. She wears her heart on her stylish sleeve. I am Lizzy's TA and every time she walks into my lab she's wearing adorable outfits with a bright smile. Now I have a name to match that smile.

    Lizzy says, "I think everyone is good at heart, everyone has the capability to be good. There's room to improve though. My experice with friends and family in general have made me come to this conclusion. Although, everyone is selfish (EVERYONE) but there are those that take forever to find that are the real good one's."
     "I think a good leader needs to know what they're doing and has an idea and vision. They need to be aware of the people following them. A good leader cares about their followers. I think the more you try and love the people that follow the better leader you are."

Lizzy's word to the world


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

4 I Can Help The Next Guest

     My place to unwind is TJMaxx. Once I went there four times in a week. It was a bad week, don't judge. I know Chantel won't. How do I explain how nice she is without being trite? She's nice enough to call up her manager and walk out to the parking lot with a perfect stranger to be photographed.

     Chantel had many stories about people she's met at the store, but this is what she thinks of people in general: "I love people, I love working with people. That's one of the reasons I've stuck working around here so long. I learn from people by having discussions with them."
     "A good leader listens, that's half the battle. Then they need to know how to act on the concerns, and act rationally but not without feeling. My motto? I think every individual has something important to say. Have compassion and care about the people you lead."

Chatel's word to the world


3 A Study Of Celestial Objects

      Carla most recently taught me about that the apparent path that the Sun takes across the celestial sphere over the course of the year is the zodiac. I'm not in an astronomy class but I went to her lab on a whim, I figured it was a chance to learn about stars and constellations. Carla was teaching. Carla was real teaching. She even spilled all her secrets to the class on how to remember the shapes of constellations, the names of stars and the myths. 

    Carla says, "People are like me. We're all created the same, I mean, we're all the same to God so I think some people are chosen to lead here or there. I'm not chosen to be this great leader because I'm better than anyone, I think it's more circumstantial than anything else."
     "A good leader does what needs to be done in order to serve others. If I can do something that can help others and myself to achieve more enjoyment and more happiness than it's worth it to take time and sacrifice to do it.

Carla's word to the world


2 Falafel+Lettuce+Tomato+Onions+Tzatziki = Smiles

     Walk into one of my favorites any day and you'll meet Devin. This guy makes a mean pita. Probably because he owns the place. When I approached Devin about this project, the first thing I said was, "do you recognize me?" He said that he did. That says somethin about us both!

     Devin says, "I like people, I like talking to people, I like meeting new people. Everybody's different and it's fun to get to know them.

     "A good leader listens to others. I like to be fair and I like to keep people involved, make them feel like they matter here. As long as people know they matter, they do their best."

Monday, March 26, 2012

1 A Kind Cup Of Sugar: Emily

      Meet my neighbor, Emily, apartment #14. I've lived in apartment 15 for over a year now, judge me if you want but Emily and I didn't know each others names until today. She's even offered to fix my flat tire without knowing my name. So today, I got to know her a little and this is what she has to say:

      Her thoughts on people: "I feel like people are good. If you expect they are going to be nice people they will live up to those expectations. I learned this when I first started singing, my vocal instructor told me I would be able to sing a very high range and sing in front of a lot of people, with those expectations  I sang better right away."
     What makes a good leader and her leadership motto: "Consistency, what the leader promises and follows through with is important. I live by example, I do what I expect others to do and hope that they follow and give others little encouragements."

Her word to the world: Welcome