I’m taking on a challenge. I’m learning 21 people’s names in 21 days. Actually, I'm learning more than their just their names. These are not random people off the street, these are people in my world but I've never met them. I had a desire to know these people even before I photographed them and learned their names. After I photographed each person, I interviewed them about leadership, their view on people and their one word to the world. I chose to focus on leadership because these 21 people have led me in one way or another. Now, I know their names.

Monday, April 9, 2012

20 and 21 Paying Dues

      Yes, I'm doing a self portrait for #20. But the catch is that this photograph was taken by none other than my #21, Dr. Hotchkiss - the man who started it all in the first place. I photographed Dr. Hotchkiss first, then handed him the camera and he took my picture. He has a talent and love for photography.
      It has been an honor to go through this experience. I've learned that people are blessings in life. That no matter who you meet on this earth, they can be a blessing and you can see miracles together. (It may sound cheesy but it's true.) I've learned that everyone has the capacity to lead. That all people, throughout everyday in their lives can be the kind of leader that Hugh Nibley talks about, the hero's of old. I've seen people's true character and I hope that you can see it through the photographs I've presented in these 21 days.

       Dr. Hotchkiss says, "I look at people in a positive view. I trust them. If you trust people you don't know, you get better results."
      "My motto for leadership is: Build, enable, and open the door. I want to do that for others in order to enable them to do what they couldn't before. As a leader, it's important to be clear in communication. I have high expectations for my followers, that way you can inspire them to achieve more than they thought they could."

(Relax, it's rootbeer....)

Dr. Hotchkiss' one word to the world



My word to the world



19 Family Ties

     These are the kids that walk the halls I used to walk, climb the trees I used to climb, eat in the kitchen where my mom used to cook, and live where I used to live. I grew up in this house, and now these are the kids that live there, the Rust boys.

Their word to the world


18 The New Kids on the Block

       Cute, right? This is the 2nd counselor in my Bishopric and his wife, Brother and Sister Richards. They're brand new to the ward. And what better way to throw them in than to have them teach the dating/relationship class. And obviously they do a great job. They have both had an influence on me, they're both spiritual giants and they both have quite the character.

     Sister Richards says, "There's a lot of different people, I've studied them before. I've studied their surroundings and why they are the way they are. A good leader needs to be versatile, they need to be able to communicate with the people you lead. You need to be able to adapt to those around you."

     Brother Richards says, "I think all people are unique. I think it's fun to watch different people and how they hold themselves. A good leader is caring and leads by example, they do what they preach."

The Richards' word to the world



Friday, April 6, 2012

17 "Why Me?"

    The Dean asked me this when I was photographing him. I answered, "because I'm always aspiring to get on your list." He responded with enthusiasm, "Well, let's get ya on there!" I wanted to photograph Dean Jones because of the respect I have him. I've gained more respect for him because of his willingness to help me with this project, he's a busy man (he's also a Stake President.) I've learned about his true blue leadership example through his immediate actions.

(Interview coming soon.)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

16 Is for Christine

     This is my future teacher, Christine. She's a super woman. Soccer coach, Art Education Professor at BYU, Mother, Wife, and a heart that could wrap around the world....twice.

     Christine says, "I love people, I think I just came here loving people, right from the start. I love my students, I want the best for them. I want them to succeed and I want to help them (I want to help the Elementary Ed students not be afraid of art) I just love my student, I have the best job in the whole world."
      "A leader listens, is introspective as well as reflective and full of ideas. A leader is willing to try things, willing to be wrong and has a positive attitude. You need to love your students, they'll work harder when you do, it sets a groundwork for creativity, success and fun."

Christine's word to the world


Monday, April 2, 2012

15 ABC's

       Garrett's last name comes right after mine in class. When we get our papers handed back, I always see his name and the funny quotations he puts on his paper like, "I've ridden in a hot air balloon before." One day, Garrett was recognized for his talent in swimming by my professor, so finally I matched the name with the face. I have to admit, Garrett was probably the hardest to convince that photographing him would be painless. Thankfully, in the end he did it for me. And yes, he is reading our text for the class, I thought it'd be appropriate.

      Garret says, "I like people. Yeah, I think everyone's different, everyone has their strengths. Everyone wants to feel appreciated."
      "A leader should be someone that helps others excel, someone that helps others come up to where they are, like Christ."

Garrett's word to the world
